Just another terminal setup
In this post, I will guide you through my terminal setup (which is quite simple though). This post may be updated in the future and is also for my own convenience when I need to set up everything on another machine.
Terminal emulator
I have been using iTerm2 on a Mac for quite a long time until I found myself not using most of its features, so now I am fine with the default Terminal.app
I am a big fan of Solarized themes and use Solarized Light light most of the day and Solarized Dark if I work in the evening or overnight or in bad lighting conditions.
Here is the GitHub repository with those themes implement for Terminal.app
by @tomsilav, iTerm2 has them out-of-the-box.
I use zsh because I like its features (like autocompletion, shared command history, and many others) and extensibility. I also tried fish but it lacked some features I needed that time. Maybe, I will give a try once again.
First off, we need to somehow manage our plugins and zsh
don't have such capabilities out-of-the-box. I use antigen to manage my plugins but there is a drawback: it is quite slow itself (mostly written in shell script and Perl) and thus the shell start time is a bit slower. I also tried antibody which is written in Go and thus much faster, but not all of my plugins were working properly when I tried them with antibody and also its syntax is very verbose when it comes to managing plugins bundled with oh-my-zsh
oh-my-zsh is a configuration framework and a bunch of plugins for zsh
. Those include additional autocompletion, coloring man pages and so on.
This is an example of how to use antigen
and zsh
altogether (place this in your ~/.zshrc
- the main zsh
configuration file):
source /usr/local/share/antigen/antigen.zsh
# Use oh-my-zsh
antigen use oh-my-zsh
# Include an oh-my-zsh plugin
antigen bundle git
# Include a plugin from GitHub
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
You can find the whole list of plugins I use in this gist, but I would like to highlight a couple of them:
- zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting which is basically a faster version of zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
- marzocchi/zsh-notify - notifies you when a command that was running for a long time in a background shell had finished.
- sindresorhus/pure - my favorite